We have published the dates for the upcoming elections for the Independent Rights Holder Representative Director and Artist Representative Director positions on the Board of Recorded Music NZ.  Independent shareholders of Recorded Music are eligible to vote in the elections and to nominate candidates.

Upcoming dates are:

Friday 1st April – Cut off for eligible right holders who are currently not shareholders of Recorded Music NZ to elect to become a shareholder. Once a shareholder you are eligible to nominate and vote in the upcoming elections.

For those who are eligible and currently not a shareholder we have contacted you by a separate email.

Monday 4th April – Nominations open for the Independent Rights Holder Representative Director and Artist Representative Director positions on the Board of Recorded Music NZ.

The full set of dates and process following this is available HERE.

The role of the Board is to set the high-level strategic goals of the company and to monitor the implementation of those goals by the management team in line with the Vision, Mission, and Core Principles.  This includes providing financial oversight, ensuring responsible use of resources, enhancing relationships with stakeholders, and monitoring legal compliance.

There is work ahead for the Board to help us navigate the complex challenges of maximising income in the uncertain environment of COVID-19, while continuing to provide excellent services to right holders and recording artists and creating a truly inclusive organisation to serve all the people that make up our recorded music community.

We value a diverse range of voices and experiences represented on the Board and we encourage eligible candidates from all backgrounds to consider being nominated.

Further information about the role of the Board, eligibility requirements and how to be nominated is available HERE.

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